Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Upcoming events

EcoLibrio jewelry home show - Saturday, February 9th, 4-8 pm, Parkwood Estates, West Ashley. This is the wonderful work my wife does. She makes amazing artistic pieces of jewelry from recycled cables, wires and re-purposed beads. Check out her web page to see some of her great designs. For specific directions contact either margaret [at] or me at hansend [at] There will be snacks, wine, a raffle and a prize for the person that brings the most guests. This is a great chance to pick up a nice, eco-friendly Valentine's day gift.

Green Drinks Charleston Wednesday, February 13th, 7 pm - ?? at the Trusted Palate, 563 King Street. Meet up with a dynamic group of individuals and organizations from around the Lowcountry who meet up once a month to enjoy cocktails, lively discussions, new friends, and good times."

Also from the Green Drinks blog site, there will be an Energy Film Fest in Florence from 12:00 noon to 4:45.

Alternative Energy Meet-up Wednesday February 20th at Huger (restaurant),587 King St

And of course the next Green Business Networking event - Monday February 18th at the Tate Center, 5 Liberty Street, 2nd floor, 4:30 - 7:00. I'm working on getting something a little extra this time.

I know I've missed some events, so please either add them in the comments or send them to me via e-mail and I'll update the post.

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