Thursday, September 11, 2008

Got a Great Green Idea?

There is a new contest being sponsored by the folks that run the X Prize. Submit a video to YouTube of your best/most creative/craziest green idea and maybe win $25,000.
Here are the basic rules:
1. Submit a 2 minute video to this group by October 31, 2008 explaining what you think should be the next Energy and Environment X PRIZE:
2. We'll post the three most viable ideas to on November 15.
3. The public will be given two weeks to vote for the winner on
The most creative, revolutionary idea and video will receive $25,000 and could become the next great X PRIZE!

Be sure that your video answers the following questions:

1. What is the Grand Challenge or world-wide problem that you are trying to solve?
2. What is the specific prize idea (goal, rules, judging criteria)?
3. How will this prize lead to benefits for humanity?
More information is available at YouTube.

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