Join us next Tuesday for this spring's first Green Business Networking event. We will meet January 27th from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm on the second floor of the Tate Center (enter through the Beatty Center, 5 Liberty Street). For this event we're going to continue what we started last fall. While we're networking I'll have brainstorming sheets available around the Tate Center for collecting ideas on how businesses can be more green. This of course fits with our hope for the monthly event to bring together a variety of knowledge, skills, motivation, and expertise to share ideas about helping businesses be more environmentally-friendly, starting new sustainable businesses, finding employees/employment and generating general networking contacts here in Charleston and the Lowcountry. With the wide range of people that attend, we should be able to come up with a ton of ideas.
Additionally, the deadline for the logo contest is just a few days away. Please submit your entry by January 23rd. The logo should try to incorporate the three basic themes: green/environment/sustainability/eco-friendly; business/entrepreneurship/innovation; and networking/socializing/sharing ideas. The winner will receive a lunch downtown and will be revealed at the January event.
Come out and meet like-minded representatives from local businesses and organizations plus CofC students, alumni, staff and faculty and add your thoughts for improving business. If you know anyone that might be interested, please feel free to pass this along to them, or just bring them with you.